Lebih 8,000 Mengambil Bahagian dalam Selangor Marathon 2020

Aerill Hassan

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera

Apa khabar buat rakan-rakan dan pembaca sekalian. Jika anda ada mengikuti perkembangan aku di platform lain seperti Facebook, Instagram atau Twitter, pastinya anda akan perasan bahawa baru-baru ini aku ada menyertai satu larian. Ya, larian tersebut adalah Selangor Marathon 2020. Alhamdulillah, walaupun aku tak sertai full marathon atau half marathon, tetapi hanya menyertai 5KM Fun Run sahaja, tapi baru aku tahu tahap aku di mana. 


Participation in marathon events have become a norm among Malaysian citizens, following the global trend. The State of Selangor will become the host to various marathon events set to take place in 2020. The State is proud to continue its very own annual Selangor Marathon event, and the 2020 edition was held on February 22nd and 23th at Sepang International Circuit.

Impressively, over 8,000 runners from all around Malaysia and neighboring regions showed their support to the event including international tourists, and sportsmen and sportswomen who specially traveled for the event, as well as those who joined while they are on their stays in Malaysia.

Selangor Marathon 2020 opened the participation for the half and full marathon categories; 21KM and 42KM, he 5KM and 10KM fun runs, and interestingly a 2KM Kids Dash that was able to nurture the passion in running and educate on the practise of a healthy lifestyle from a young age.

Interestingly, the Selangor State Government has always supported other marathon events held in the State. However, this time stood out than the others as Selangor Marathon 2020 is the State Government's very own Marathon Event, fully suported by Tourism Selangor. It gave rise to all of the runners to network, meet up new friends and build-up connection, whilst having their own space to run or walk during Marathon, It was also a prominent initiative in highlighting the Visit Sepang 2020 Campaign.

The Selangor State Government often bolsters marathon events as an initiative to encourage the practise of a healthy lifestyle among its citizens. It doubles as the effort to foster the ongoing Visit Malaysia Year 2020 Campaign as such events pose a vast potential and appeal in drawing the number of tourists into the State of Selangor.

The Selangor State Government through Tourism Selangor strives to achieve the 8 million visitors' mark for the year 2020. The momentum is expected to sustain leading up to the execution of the Visit Selangor Year 2021 Campaign which will be geared up from this year. Log on to Selangor.Travel for more information on the latest and in-trend tourism attractions in Selangor.


Ini adalah pengalaman pertama kali aku sertai acara larian atau Marathon. Sebelum ini aku hanya lari sendiri-sendiri sahaja dan syok sendiri tanpa sertai mana-mana acara. Alhamdulillah, peluang yang tersedia kali ini memang aku tak akan lepaskan. Memang sangat teruja pada beberapa hari sebelum acara ini.

Untuk acara full marathon dan half marathon, pelepasan larian dibuat awal. Manakala bagi fun run, pelepasan adalah pada pukul 7 pagi. Alhamdulillah, aku dan kawan sampai di Litar Antarabangsa Sepang pada jam 5.00 pagi dan bersiap-siap sementara menunggu waktu pelepasan.

Kemudian tepat jam 7 pagi pelepasan bagi 10KM Fun run manakala untuk 5KM Fun Run adalah pada jam 7.15 pagi. Yang lagi seronok adalah bila aku nampak ramai budak-budak kecik, keluarga dan sebagainya yang sertai larian Fun Run ni.

Alhamdulillah, selesai juga larian yang dicampur dengan berjalan cepat. Haha 😅. Lepas itu, terus sahaja melihat siapa pemenang-pemenang bagi acara Full Marathon dan Half Marathon. Anda boleh lihat begitu ramai orang di kawasan sekitar sini. Memang meriah.

In shaa Allah lepas ini aku akan lebih bersemangat untuk sertai mana-mana larian. Ya, bagi aku yang penting sekarang adalah untuk tingkatkan stamina. Doakan supaya aku berjaya.



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